Fat Freezing

Cool Sculpting Perth

Cryolipolysis, often referred to as fat freezing, involves the use of sophisticated medical technology to safely apply controlled cold temperatures to specific and targeted areas of the body where pockets of excess fat are commonly stored to permanently kill the fat cells.

During the procedure applicators are carefully placed on the targeted drawn out area of subcutaneous fat. The applicators cool quickly and the process emlinates 20-40% of the fat cells in the area each session. The area is then gently massaged to damage the fat cells beyond repair. The body’s immune system then clears the dead fat cells.

How Does This Work?

Prices from $299


  • Ideal candidates are those who have large to medium stubborn areas of fat which have not responded despite diet or exercise.

  • No. The treatment is pain-free, non-invasive and completely safe. The area will eventually feel slightly numb before returning back to normal once the procedure is completed.

  • Clients are advised to drink at least 3 litres of water 24 hours pre as well as post treatment to aid their immune system to respond well.

    To ensure maximum results we encourage clients to eat a relatively clean diet for 24 hours pre and post treatment. For longevity of their results a healthy diet and regular exercise should be maintained following the treatment.